Get to know Aldria Wainggai

Get to know Aldria Wainggai. She is a Melanesian woman from Ambai village – Yapen Island. Aldria loves to sing and she spends her time on her Island other than going to flashy hotels and cities across West Papua. She spends her free time touring around her Island, enjoying the beautiful natural settings of Ambai away from college room.

Ambai is one of the small villages away from the main city of Serui. It can be reached by boat from the city of Serui. As usual on holidays, when everyone looks to the glamor and flashy cities nearby, Aldria returns to Ambai.

Ms. Aldria is a student at the School of Theology in Batam, Indonesia. And in the midst of her busy schedule she would always find time to plan her holidays, and she always choose Ambai village as her vacation destination.

Ambai village, Yapen Island

According to Aldria, her Ambai village is full of natural charm – a village that is surrounded by crystal clear waters, beautiful beaches and undisturbed natural surroundings. It is the perfect setting one can visit away from the busy life style of the big cities. It is far from the city transportation but it accessible by boat.

Some elementary schools on this Island have limited resources, shortage of teachers, and for these reasons, many children don’t go to school. This makes Aldria’s sad and wants to use her time voluntarily to help the children. Since 2019, she spent her time on this Island helping children and the struggling schools around the Island.

Voluntary programs for children and women are also part of our humanitarian mission and we want to help Aldria’s mission on this Island, and we need support to be able to help achieve that. In addition to reading and writing activities for children, we will help Aldria with her outdoor recreational activities on the island of Ambai.

We are proud of Aldria and what she’s doing on Ambai island.